“10 undeniable fake news” about MJ: the most discredited Vanity Fair article ever

Mean Machine
14 min readJan 6, 2020


MJ haters or straight-out tabloid-dependent folks often cite Maureen Orth’s “10 Undeniable Facts about Michael Jackson”, a trashy, inherently racist article published on Vanity Fair, as “proof” of Jackson’s guilt.

The same Vanity Fair that, in March 2003 published a flattering article dedicated to pedophile Jeffrey Epstein:

Debunking Orth’s article is extremely easy, simply using facts, court files, evidence and basic common sense. Something that the tabloid press rarely relies upon, because the fake narrative of Jackson being a child molester continues to generate revenue despite the man having been heavily investigated by dozens of agencies for over a decade, cleared by over 360 FBI pages and several surprise raids in his properties that resulted in nothing incriminating ever discovered, exonerated 14 times in a court of law, and against whom not even a shred of evidence was ever found despite DA Sneddon flying all over the world looking for “victims”, and interviewing hundreds of families and kids — none of whom had anything bad to say about Jackson.

Let’s take a look at the facts — while Orth can only provide her massive tabloid platform, those who have studied the case can provide verifiable evidence.

Orth’s fake fact 1:There is no dispute that, at age 34, Michael Jackson slept more than 30 nights in a row in the same bed with 13-year-old Jordie Chandler at the boy’s house with Chandler’s mother present. He also slept in the same bed with Jordie Chandler at Chandler’s father’s house. The parents were divorced.”


Michael and the Chandler family met in May 1992. They never met in person again until February 1993, when June Chandler and her kids, Jordan and Lily, visited Neverland for the first time and slept in a separate guesthouse, not in Jackson’s private quarters which, by the way, were these. Hardly a bedroom.

According to court files, from April to May 1993 Jackson stayed at June’s house “numerous times” which, for anyone with basic reading comprehension skills, equates to different, short visits.

On a side note, many of Orth’s fake facts come from NAMBLA-associate “freelance journalist” Victor Gutierrez, who was sued by Jackson for slander, lost, and never paid him back (2.7 million dollars) — preferring to fly back to his native country, Chile, and file for bankruptcy. It is interesting that Orth preferred to go after the exonerated black man instead of the white dude who thanked NAMBLA several times during the years.

Orth’s fake fact 2: So far, five boys Michael Jackson shared beds with have accused him of abuse: Jordie Chandler, Jason Francia, Gavin Arvizo, Wade Robson, and Jimmy Safechuck. Jackson had the same nickname for Chandler and Arvizo: “Rubba.” He called Robson “Little One” and Safechuck “Applehead.”

False. First of all, the “so far” has been so for about 30 years.

According to statistics, the average pedophile molests 260 victims during their lifetime.

Jackson has 5 accusers total, despite having met thousands of families and kids during his lifetime, hundreds of which were interviewed by the authorities and confirmed no unsavory behavior whatsoever by Jackson. All 5 accusers have something in common: they never went to the police but straight to civil lawyers in the attempt to get money. Arvizo Jordan and Francia all talked to the police eventually , but Arvizo first went to Feldman, Chandler to Barry Rothman, and Francia was approached by the police (not the other way around) and was not interested in prosecuting Jackson, but very much interested in getting money through the threat of a civil lawsuit and bad publicity. They always sought a multi-million dollar settlement by going directly to civil lawyers. Also, all allegations were always concocted and directed by adults, never by the kids.

That said, Orth once again has it wrong.

From: https://themichaeljacksonallegations.com/2016/12/26/jason-francia/

Jason Francia, who “confessed” to “tickling” after spending hours over hours being aggressively interviewed by cops, alone, as a minor, under duress, never shared Jackson’s bed at all — as per court files, once again.

Francia’s mother, Blanca, worked for Jackson as a maid and his son would at times visited. Interestingly enough, Blanca Francia never thought any kid was molested by her boss.

From the 2016 deposition of Evangeline, former maid who was part of Blanca Francia’s Hard Copy dealings.

However, just like other former employees who sold lurid stories to the press after they stopped working for Jackson, during court proceedings they were alleged or straight-up accused of stealing from Jackson’s property. Blanca Francia was also among the former employees who had a strong connection with NAMBLA-linked Victor Gutierrez, who had befriended her.

Victor Gutierrez and Blanca Francia

Just like the Chandlers, Francia didn’t seek any criminal punishment for Jackson, only money. She and her son were later torn to shreds in 2005, on the stand, during Jackson’s trial, when they both resulted as completely non-credible to the jury. Through the years, Blanca Francia has sold several different spurious stories about Jackson to the tabloid press, changing the narrative according to the sum offered. More about Blanca Francia can be found here.

And again, not even Gavin Arvizo ever shared a bed with Jackson. He, himself, confirmed it both on TV and on the stand, during the trial. The same version of the events was given by Jackson himself, and his assistant, Frank Cascio.

As far as Robson is concerned, he and his mother swore under oath that over 14 visits at Neverland, Jackson was there only 4 times. The Safechuck themselves only saw Jackson sporadically through the years — and that is the reason why the movie Leaving Neverland only presents the same handful of photos repeated over and over again through 4 hours of NAMBLA propaganda.

As for the nicknames, Michael called all kids names like Little One and Rubba. From Mary Coller’s deposition:

Orth’s fake fact 3: Jackson paid $25 million to settle the Chandlers’ lawsuit, with $18 million going to Jordie, $2.5 million to each of the parents, and the rest to lawyers. Jackson said he paid that sum to avoid something “long and drawn out.” Francia also received $2.4 million from Jackson.

The settlement, for negligence and including no wrongdoing at all, did not prevent any criminal trial and, in fact, the criminal investigation continued for months after the civil trial was pushed ahead of the criminal one, despite Jackson’s lawyers asking, again and again, to have the criminal trial go first.

From: https://themichaeljacksonallegations.com/

Jackson was also trialed for “prior bad acts” in 2005, and both June Chandler and the Francias took the stand for the prosecution. Jackson was acquitted as no evidence on any wrongdoing, but plenty of evidence his accusers lied, was found. The Chandlers themselves admit, in their own book “All that Glitters”, published in 2004 on the wave of the new allegations against Jackson, their intention was always to achieve a highly profitable settlement.

Watch #SquareOneMJ, the definitive, unbiased documentary about the 1993 case, directed by Danny Wu.

Orth’s fake fact 4: Michael Jackson suffered from the skin discoloration disease vitiligo. Jordie Chandler drew a picture of the markings on the underside of Jackson’s penis. His drawings were sealed in an envelope. A few months later, investigators photographed Jackson’s genitalia. The photographs matched Chandler’s drawings.

False. Had the drawing(s) matched, Jackson would have been arrested on the spot. He wasn’t. Had the drawing(s) matched, the criminal investigation would have had enough evidence to proceed at least with an indictment. It didn’t. Had the drawing(s) matched, the prosecution wouldn’t have summoned Jackson’s mother and asked her if Jackson had undergone plastic surgery to his genitalia to alter their appearance. Had the accusers actually seen Jackson’s private parts, they wouldn’t have felt the need to write the words “my theory” on the drawing.

Besides, the drawing(s), plural because there were different descriptions, always described Jackson as circumcised. After his death, the coroner report confirmed that he was uncircumcised.

More on this subject can be found on the best research website about the Jackson allegations, here. The description, however, never matched at all.

Orth’s fake fact 5: The hallway leading to Jackson’s bedroom was a serious security zone covered by video and wired for sound so that the steps of anyone approaching would make ding-dong sounds.

Alarms are common among regular citizens, let alone celebrities. In Jackson’s case, the basic alarm he had served to protect a “bedroom” that was a 3000-square feet duplex with 3 bathrooms and 6 bed accommodations, essentially as big as regular people’s homes. Jackson once had an intruder hid in his closet for days before being discovered, therefore basic security was essential.

Excerpt from Kit Culkin’s 2005 book “Lost Boy”:

As a matter of fact, the alarm not only was a known story to everyone staying at the mansion, to the point that everyone knew how to not activate it, but it also helped exonerate Jackson during the trial, when Star Arvizo took the stand:

The whole mansion had an open-door rule: there were no off-limits areas, as confirmed by several witnesses. The same June Chandler confirmed, under oath and on the stand, that she could come and go as she pleased, wherever she wanted on Jackson’s property.

from: https://themichaeljacksonallegations.com/the-2005-allegations/

Orth’s fake fact 6: Jackson had an extensive collection of adult erotic material he kept in a suitcase next to his bed, including S&M bondage photos and a study of naked boys. Forensic experts with experience in the Secret Service found the fingerprints of boys alongside Jackson’s on the same pages. Jackson also had bondage sculptures of women with ball gags in their mouths on his desk, in full view of the boys who slept there.

False. No child porn was ever found in any of Jackson’s premises, only adult, heterosexual, legal porn. It was confirmed both by the defense and the prosecution. Orth cannot explain why, if such incriminating material was found, Jackson was never even charged with its possession (a federal crime), let alone acquitted.

From: https://people.com/crime/michael-jacksons-estate-blasts-new-pornography-reports/

Jackson had a passion for heterosexual porn and an extensive collection of magazines that spanned over a decade. These are some of the magazines found in his property:

He also had two articles about the female G-spot and vintage nudist magazines, other than a few art books that are also included in the Library of Congress.

As far as Gavin’s fingerprints being on some of the magazine, not only DA Sneddon was busted trying to tamper with evidence in court, by having Arvizo touch a copy that — on a side note — had been printed months after his last stay at Neverland…

…The Arvizo brothers were caught by several different people rummaging through Jackson’s stuff when he was not at the ranch, and stealing porn magazines.

From: https://themichaeljacksonallegations.com/2016/12/27/the-changing-content-of-the-allegations-and-contradictions/

Orth’s fake fact 7: According to the Neverland staff interviewed by the Santa Barbara authorities, no one ever saw or knew of a woman spending the night with Michael Jackson, including his two spouses, Debbie Rowe or Lisa Marie Presley. Rowe, the mother of two of Jackson’s children, made it clear to the Santa Barbara authorities that she never had sex with Jackson.

False. Lisa Marie Presley and Jackson, who began their relationship in 1993 and continued to be together for years after their divorce, visited Neverland regularly, both with Lisa’s kids, as a couple and for collective events. But they lived mostly between Presley’s Hidden Hills mansion and the couple’s apartment at the Trump Towers, in New York.

For over 25 years, Presley has confirmed time and time again that her relationship with Jackson was completely normal and she never saw any unsavory behavior on his part.

O: Was it the kind of marriage where a lot of things went unsaid or unspoken or did you feel a sense of intimacy and connection, that you could ask him anything?

L: I honestly can tell you that it was in every sense a normal marriage and everything was spoken. In the middle of the night, if he needed to wake up and tell me, bounce something off me, and wake me up and wanna talk… if there was trouble…Was he having trouble sleeping then? He was like a little gnome. I used to tell him he was a gnome running around the room because it was hard for him to sleep. A lot of times I couldn’t sleep either if he wasn’t sleeping. I’d just hear him piddling. It was a bit endearing but then I didn’t mind it. But he did have a hard time sleeping, yes.

O: Did you feel like you were in many ways a nurturer or caretaker for him?

L: Very much. And I really loved that role and I loved taking care of him. It was the highest point of my life, one of the very highest points of my life. When things were going really well and he and I were united together and he and I had an understanding about some of the people and the things that could go around him and he was with me on those things and we were a unit and I could take care of him. In spite of what people speculated while I was with him that I wanted a career or was trying to do something, it was absolute BS. I’ve never been comfortable being front and center, honestly don’t like being front and center. Loved being next to him, taking care of him. I was on such a high from doing that. It was a very profound time of my life. So it wasn’t anything — it was real, as far as that goes.

O: You know, I’ve asked you this and I have to ask it again, even though it’s an uncomfortable subject, but whether or not you had ever seen any inappropriate behavior between Michael and young children?

L: Are you asking me again?

O: I’m asking you again.

L: The answer is absolutely not, in any way. I did not see anything like that.

As for Debbie Rowe, it’s common knowledge that her relationship with Jackson wasn’t romantic. Hence the couple did not need to live together at all.

Orth’s fake fact 8: The parents of boys Jackson shared beds with were courted assiduously and given myriad expensive gifts. Wade Robson’s mother testified in the 2005 trial that she funneled wages through Jackson’s company and was given a permanent resident visa. Jimmy Safechuck’s parents got a house. Jordie Chandler’s mother got a diamond bracelet.

It is common knowledge that Jackson was generous to everyone around him, no exception. He helped in any way he could and the FBI found no trace of suspicious payment at all. Interestingly enough, but not surprisingly, Jackson’s generosity was often taken advantage of:

Karen Faye worked for Michael for over 20 years.

Orth’s fake fact 9: Two of the fathers of those who have accused Jackson, Jordie Chandler and Wade Robson, committed suicide. Both were estranged from their sons at the time.

A very low blow, extremely pathetic “point” even for Maureen Orth. Wade’s father committed suicide due to his depression and bipolar disorder after his family left him behind (in Australia) to pursue Wade’s career in the US. Dennis Robson, Wade’s father, never had anything bad to say about Jackson at all. In this interview, that Jackson’s detractors try to make disappear, Joy Robson herself confirms her own pivotal (and only) role in moving to the US.

Evan Chandler committed suicide due to his terminal illness. He was an abusive father that, only a few years earlier, had tried to kill his own son, Jordan Chandler. Hardly the father of the year.

Jackson has nothing to do with the death of either man at all.

Orth’s fake fact 10: In a 2002 documentary, Living with Michael Jackson, Jackson told Martin Bashir there was nothing wrong with sharing his bed with boys.

False. Or, at least, a completely manipulated statement.

What Jackson said, verbatim, is this: “Why can’t you share your bed? That’s the most loving thing to do, to share your bed with someone. You say, ‘You can have my bed if you want it. Sleep in it. I’ll sleep on the floor. It’s yours.’ I always give the beds to the company.

Lisa Marie Presley, ex-wife and longtime lover of Jackson, not only confirmed how manipulated the Bashir documentary was:

But she also confirmed, around the same time, that she had never witnessed anything like that in the numerous year she spent as Jackson’s partner:

Despite Lisa and Michael’s relationship being strained at the time, she always maintained this stance and never changed it.

The “boys” narrative was also carefully manipulated by the press. The reality is actually pretty different: Jackson’s quarters were so big that friends, entire families, adults and kids alike, were always invited.

Even the same Robson family maintained, for over 20 years, Jackson’s complete innocence — only changing their stance when debts kept piling up and Wade Robson was refused a job as lead choreographer for the MJ ONE show in Las Vegas:

Maureen Orth’s article is further debunked in this article: http://mjjforum.com/site/debunking-maureen-orths-trash-10-undeniable-facts-vanity-fair-article/

Maureen Orth is the same “journalist” who claimed MJ was taking voodoo animal sacrifice blood baths on the Swiss border. Around the same time the slanderous “10 undeniable facts” and “Losing his grip” articles against Jackson were published, Vanity Fair offered a thoroughly positive portrait of serial child molester Jeffrey Epstein:

Read Epstein’s portrait by Vanity Fair at: https://archive.vanityfair.com/article/2003/3/the-talented-mr-epstein

Maureen Orth was also recently sued for the defamation, together with Netflix and FX, of late fashion stylist Gianni Versace:

Source: https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/2019/03/fx-netflix-sued-for-defamation-for-assassination-of-gianni-versace

The TV Series “The Assassination of Gianni Versace” implies that Versace, being a gay man, was promiscuous and AIDS-riddled. Orth’s articles imply that a 14-time exonerated, FBI-cleared black man is nothing short by the bogeyman and that he engages in voodoo animal sacrifice blood baths. Make of this what you please.



Mean Machine

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